Practical Python Guide

28,00 $

  • Format: Hands-on projects, problems with solutions, webinars
  • Description: A course that teaches Python programming step-by-step, focusing on practical applications: building simple apps, working with libraries, creating APIs.


This course combines theoretical foundations and practical tasks, allowing students to immediately apply the knowledge they have gained.

1. Introduction to Python

  • Setting up Python environment
  • Writing your first Python script
  • Understanding the Python interpreter and basic syntax

2. Variables and Data Types

  • Working with variables and constants
  • Common data types: strings, integers, floats, booleans
  • Type casting and type conversion

3. Control Flow

  • Conditional statements: if, elif, else
  • Looping structures: for, while
  • Comprehensions (list, dictionary, set)

4. Functions and Modules

  • Defining and calling functions
  • Function arguments and return values
  • Using and creating modules and libraries

5. Error Handling and Debugging

  • Understanding exceptions and errors
  • Using try, except, finally
  • Debugging with print statements and debuggers

6. Working with Files and Directories

  • Reading and writing files (text and binary)
  • File operations: opening, closing, deleting
  • Working with directories

7. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics

  • Classes and objects
  • Methods, constructors, and destructors
  • Inheritance and polymorphism

8. Libraries and Frameworks

  • Introduction to popular Python libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Requests
  • Working with APIs (making requests, parsing JSON)
  • Basic web scraping with BeautifulSoup

9. Building a Simple Project

  • Developing a small Python application (e.g., a to-do list app, web scraper, or simple API)
  • Structure of Python projects
  • Testing and deploying your project

10. Next Steps

  • Further learning paths: web development with Django/Flask, machine learning with TensorFlow, etc.
  • Resources for continued practice (coding challenges, open-source projects, etc.)


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