Masterclass on Web Application Development with Django

31,00 $

  • Format: Video lessons, code examples, projects
  • Description: A video course on creating web applications with Django. Includes creating RESTful APIs, working with databases, authentication, and deployment.


This course provides a deep understanding of the Django framework and teaches you how to build scalable, secure, and high-quality web applications using the latest tools and practices.

1. Introduction to Django

  • Setting up the development environment (Python, Django, and databases)
  • Understanding Django’s architecture (MTV: Model, Template, View)
  • Creating your first Django project and app

2. Django Models and Database Design

  • Defining models and working with Django’s ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
  • Migrating database schemas and running migrations
  • Relationships between models: One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many

3. Django Views and URL Routing

  • Writing views (function-based vs. class-based views)
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • Setting up URL routing and path converters for dynamic URLs

4. Templates and Static Files

  • Creating dynamic HTML templates using Django template language
  • Working with template inheritance and custom tags
  • Serving static files (CSS, JS, images) in development and production

5. Forms and User Input Handling

  • Handling form submissions (GET and POST requests)
  • Using Django forms ( for validation and input processing
  • Implementing model forms for seamless database interaction

6. Authentication and Authorization

  • User registration, login, and logout functionality
  • Managing user permissions and roles
  • Implementing authentication using Django’s built-in views and signals

7. Building RESTful APIs with Django REST Framework (DRF)

  • Introduction to Django REST Framework (DRF)
  • Building API views (using class-based views and serializers)
  • Creating and consuming RESTful APIs for client-side interaction

8. Django Middleware and Custom Features

  • Understanding and creating custom middleware
  • Implementing security features (e.g., CSRF protection, session management)
  • Adding caching and performance improvements

9. Testing and Debugging Django Applications

  • Writing unit tests for models, views, and forms using Django’s testing framework
  • Debugging tools and best practices
  • Using Django Debug Toolbar for performance insights

10. Deployment and Production Readiness

  • Preparing your Django app for production (settings, security, and performance)
  • Deploying Django applications on platforms like Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean
  • Using Docker for containerized deployments

11. Advanced Django Features and Best Practices

  • Working with asynchronous views and tasks (using Celery)
  • Optimizing database queries (select_related, prefetch_related)
  • Best practices for structuring large Django applications


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