Interactive Platform for Solving Algorithms and Data Structures Problems

45,00 $

  • Format: Interactive tasks, tests, forums
  • Description: A platform for practicing algorithm and data structure problems regularly. It includes tasks of varying difficulty that help improve coding skills and understanding of key programming concepts.


Our platform provides students with an interactive way to solve problems, improving their programming and analytical thinking skills through practice with real algorithmic problems and data structures.

1. Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures

  • Overview of algorithms and data structures
  • Time and space complexity analysis (Big O notation)
  • Importance of solving algorithmic problems

2. Arrays and Strings

  • Basic operations: insertion, deletion, traversal
  • Common algorithms: searching, sorting (bubble sort, quicksort, etc.)
  • String manipulation problems (reverse, substring search, anagram checking)

3. Linked Lists

  • Understanding singly and doubly linked lists
  • Common operations: insertions, deletions, traversals
  • Solving problems: reversing a list, detecting cycles, merging lists

4. Stacks and Queues

  • Implementing stacks and queues (using arrays and linked lists)
  • Applications of stacks (expression evaluation, balanced parentheses)
  • Applications of queues (breadth-first search, scheduling algorithms)

5. Trees and Graphs

  • Binary trees, binary search trees, and AVL trees
  • Tree traversal algorithms (in-order, pre-order, post-order)
  • Graph representations (adjacency matrix, adjacency list)
  • Graph algorithms (DFS, BFS, shortest path, topological sorting)

6. Hashing

  • Hash tables and hash maps
  • Collision handling techniques (chaining, open addressing)
  • Applications of hashing: frequency counting, searching, and more

7. Dynamic Programming

  • Introduction to dynamic programming and memoization
  • Solving classic problems: Fibonacci sequence, Knapsack, Longest Common Subsequence
  • Optimization problems using dynamic programming (minimizing/maximizing)

8. Recursion and Backtracking

  • Understanding recursion and its base cases
  • Solving problems recursively (factorial, tower of Hanoi, permutations)
  • Backtracking algorithms (N-Queens, subset sum, Sudoku solver)

9. Greedy Algorithms

  • Understanding greedy approach and its applications
  • Classic problems: Coin change, interval scheduling, Huffman encoding
  • Analyzing the correctness and efficiency of greedy algorithms

10. Sorting and Searching Algorithms

  • Advanced sorting techniques (merge sort, quicksort, heap sort)
  • Binary search and its variations (searching in rotated arrays, lower/upper bound)
  • Sorting data efficiently and understanding when to choose a specific algorithm

11. Advanced Data Structures

  • Tries, segment trees, and Fenwick trees (Binary Indexed Trees)
  • Graph algorithms: Dijkstra’s algorithm, Prim’s, and Kruskal’s algorithm
  • Disjoint set (Union-Find) and its applications in network connectivity

12. Problem Solving Strategies

  • Developing problem-solving skills and techniques
  • Breaking down complex problems into smaller subproblems
  • Practice with a wide variety of coding challenges and interview-style problems

13. Optimization and Performance Tuning

  • Analyzing the time and space complexity of solutions
  • Identifying bottlenecks and optimizing code
  • Memory-efficient algorithms and techniques

14. Final Projects and Challenges

  • Applying learned algorithms to solve real-world problems
  • Competing in timed coding challenges and hackathons
  • Contributing to open-source algorithmic repositories


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