This course will help you deepen your knowledge of JavaScript, improve your skills with modern frameworks, and teach you how to create high-performance and scalable applications.
1. Advanced JavaScript Syntax and Features
- Arrow functions, template literals, destructuring
- Default parameters, rest and spread operators
- Modules and imports/exports
2. Asynchronous JavaScript
- Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await
- Error handling in asynchronous code
- Event loop and concurrency model
3. Working with JavaScript DOM
- Manipulating DOM elements (selecting, modifying, adding/removing elements)
- Event listeners and event delegation
- DOM performance optimization
4. JavaScript Closures and Scopes
- Understanding closures and lexical scope
- Higher-order functions
- The
keyword and binding context
5. JavaScript Design Patterns
- Module pattern, Singleton pattern, Factory pattern
- Observer pattern, Prototype pattern
- Understanding when and how to apply design patterns
6. Modern JavaScript Frameworks (React & Vue.js)
- Overview of React and Vue.js (components, state, and props)
- Understanding lifecycle methods and hooks in React
- Directives and reactivity in Vue.js
- Handling forms and events in frameworks
7. Testing JavaScript Applications
- Unit testing with Jest and Mocha
- Writing testable code
- Test-driven development (TDD) and debugging techniques
8. JavaScript Performance Optimization
- Profiling and measuring performance
- Memory leaks and garbage collection
- Best practices for optimizing code speed
9. Web APIs and Browser Features
- Using browser APIs (localStorage, geolocation, WebSockets)
- Fetch API and working with RESTful services
- Web Workers and Service Workers for background tasks
10. Building and Deploying JavaScript Applications
- Bundling with Webpack and using Babel
- Setting up CI/CD pipelines
- Deploying JavaScript apps on platforms like Netlify, Heroku, or AWS
11. Advanced JavaScript Concepts and Best Practices
- Functional programming concepts (immutability, pure functions, currying)
- Understanding JavaScript memory management and optimization
- Writing clean, maintainable, and scalable JavaScript code
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